Provide A Resource

Provide resources for artists in our community.

Dejeonge’s Residency Fund

Help this artist raise funds to purchase flight, transportation, and accommodations for two residency opportunities, one in Tennessee at Arrowmount school of art and crafts and the other at Vermont Studio Center.

Help Woman Photographer Rebuild Her Kit

Recently, one of our members had her equipment taken from her and now has to start over again. We have created a list of everything needed for her to rebuild. All items will ship directly to the artist.

Support Young BIPOC Women-Scholars in the Arts

The Better Giveback Foundation, Inc. and SOFemArt have teamed up through our SheROCKS w/ C.R.O.C Initiative. Creatives on Campus is a signature experience & community program of TBGBF for both professional and developing artists & creatives, like myself, advancing within post-secondary education.  We need your help to provide 10 young Black Women Scholars with housing and accomodations coming from Mississippi, Boston, Philadelphia, and New Jersey.

Are you an artist in need of support?

Woman at computer with headphones writing in a notebook.