E04 - Carolynn Haydu | The Resilience and Eviction of Artists Following the Sale of American Steel Studios

Published on
11 Jan 2022
Carolynn Haydu
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The State of Fem Art
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Carolynn Haydu's latest work, "THE GREAT HERE AFTER," was created in response to the sale of American Steel Studios, which will ultimately evict all artists by May 2022 who have called this space their creative home. Haydu has had her painting studio there for almost 11 years.

The solo show on March 19-April 15th at Metal Haus Gallery spotlights the artists' resilience and need to survive in the current climate. We speak about what's happening in Oakland, the importance of art to creators and spectators, and reserving space for yourself as an artist.

You can learn more about Carolynn Haydu by visiting her website carolynnhaydu.com or on Instagram @carolynn_haydu.

Women In Art
Visual Artists